Fellow Dosgamers,
as some of you might have noticed, we are building up our Intel Section, beginning with the tools required to conduct reverse engineering on MS-DOS.
While at the moment the links to the tools are non functional, we will add and fill this section with content over time – writing our short impression of each tool as we go along.
A lot of unseen work is also wenting into site security at the moment. We chose to use Premium Plugins for certain critical site functions. Yes, they do cost money, but they overall provide better quality and stability to our project. After all, the Scene Mantra has always been to support quality developers, so we are used to that and stick with this philosophy. Quality wise we additionally plan to refine our Patches Section with Gameplay Videos.
By putting up mirrors to both fravia.org and searchlores.org we hope to deliver a good window into the past – unearthing lost knowledge.
We hope you enjoy the content we have provided so far and stick with us.
All the Best!
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