Fellow DOSGamers,
we hope you are doing fine on this splendid day. We inform you, that we have added the Lankhor Classic “Maupiti Island” in its German Version to our site.
French Company Lankhor decided to publish their 1990 Game for free and offers different language versions on their homepage. However, they have been unable to remove the Copy Protection from the German Version of the game, which is probably the reason why StayForever (Greetings going out at this point!) also tested with the English Copy instead. You can verify the issues by downloading the copy of the game provided by Lankhor – you´ll encounter that for example the Mouse is not useable in DOSBox at all. There are also further issues down the road causing the game to crash or not to save your game properly.
We tried to fix these annoyances and are proud to be able to offer a DRM Free and working German Copy on our site. This time it is a Full Game Installer also coming with the Games Soundtrack and bundled with DOSBox-X ready to run. Of course, you can also play it with regular DOSBox or on your real DOS Machine if you wish to do so.
Save to say, that there is no paid membership required to download this game. Just follow this link and explore further titles in our DOS Freeware Section.
Best Regards
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