Conquests of Camelot: The Search for the Grail

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Patch for:




Simply extract Files supplied with the RAR File into Game Dir

Crack Notes:

All 3 Copy Protection Tests (Flower Test by the Lady of the Lake; Symbol Test by Fatima; Questions of Aphrodite) have been properly patched.

The Message Of The Rose “Love Is My Shield” is being put directly into the game, so the player can read it without having to refer to the manual.

Additionally the Mural Text from the Manual for Adonis, Pygmalion and Hippolytus has been inserted into the game, instead of the game referencing to the manual.

Update 1 (“Chatty Al-Sirat”):

Al-Sirat will now name all seven Goddesses in his dialogs. (Aphrodite, Astarte, Ceres, Athene, Isis, Venus and Vesta), so the manual is not needed in order to receive Wisdom Points for asking about them and their respective symbols.
