Tough Guy [Floppy Version]

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Patch for:

Tough Guy v1.0

More Information:


Extract into Game Dir and run Patch.bat

Choose the Version you want to patch

This Patcher supports both the “Abandonware” Version featuring the TSR Loader as well as the Original Disk Image. Check if you have a TOUGH.BIN in your Game folder, if yes, choose Option 1, else choose Option 2

Choose if SETUP.EXE should be translated into English – this is an optional Quality of Life Feature

To play as one of the three available bosses, type 2604352 on Character Selection Screen

To play as JAW type 19668101 (Player 1) or 19668102 (Player 2) on Character Selection Screen

For Controls see attached control.txt. You can use SETUP.EXE to change it to your likings.

Target Files:


Crack Notes:

TSR Loader replaced

Copy Protection bypassed
